It is our joy to introduce you to an exciting new organization, SonSet Solutions. After 28 years of effective worldwide ministry under the name HCJB Global Technology Center and HCJB World Radio Engineering Center, the team of missions-minded technologists became SonSet Solutions in 2014 and exists now as an independent ministry to help Christian missions spread the gospel using modern technology.
SonSet Solutions Canada was formed to facilitate Canadians
Why did this transition take place?
Reach Beyond refocused its ministry model to work primarily with partners at the local level. As a result, they were no longer as dependent on the technology developed by the HCJB Global Technology Center. Both organizations believed that enabling the newly named SonSet Solutions to be independent would actually multiply the impact of both organizations, while maintaining a strong ministry alliance of people passionate about reaching the unreached with the gospel.
What is SonSet Solutions?
SonSet Solutions became a new mission organization in 2014 and is registered in the State of Indiana as a public non-profit corporation. The purpose of SonSet Solutions is to harness the ever growing number of technological tools and techniques available today for the purpose of introducing people to Jesus Christ, helping people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and helping people to introduce others to Jesus Christ. During the first three quarters of 2018, SonSet Solutions Inc. assisted 166 ministries in 61 countries with equipment, service, consultation, and training.
In April, 2016, the board of SonSet Solutions Inc. in the U.S. accepted an offer by Canadian Ian Leaver, a retired Reach Beyond (formerly HCJB Global) missionary, to pursue a charity license in Canada for the purpose of raising funds to support the global technology projects of the SonSet Solutions Inc. We are pleased to announce that the Canada Revenue Agency granted a Religious Charity status in Canada in June, 2018.
Initially our most urgent need is funds to cover the expenses of setting up basic operations, the most vital of which is the purchase of a computer and the appropriate software for the running of the ministry. We are including a brochure featuring the CRA approved projects for SonSet Solutions Canada. Along with the needed startup funds, the Canadian board is introducing our first official fund raiser, SonSet Solar powered radios for Papua New Guinea, our partner radio station, Wantok Radio Light.
It is our joy to invite you to pray and, as the Lord leads you, to become a part of this first Canadian SonSet Solutions outreach. The startup fund need is $5,000. Each SonSet radio costs $50, which includes shipping. A brochure, response card and an envelope has been included for your convenience. Cheques should be made out to SonSet Solutions Canada and mailed to SonSet Solutions Canada, PO Box 33013, RPO Franklin, Cambridge ON N1R 8R8. You may also call in a credit card gift to 519.580.0869.
We are living in a world that is in desperate spiritual need, and we are excited to join a team committed to helping those on the front lines of ministry to fulfill the Great Commission. We pray that you will join us in this endeavor.
Serving Together,
Ian Leaver
CEO SonSet Solutions Canada