Christmas 2022
Dear Friends,
I am certain that these unusual times continue to be as challenging for you as they are for us. If it were not for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus, the news reports that we hear daily could divert our focus and steal away the joy of the Christmas message.
That said, we have had the opportunity to learn more about the depths of God’s unfailing grace during this past year than ever before. Jesus’ story contrasting the wise and foolish builder have gained new depth and deeper meaning. We dare not take our eyes off the prize, our saviour Jesus Christ or the confused teaching of this world will overtake our thinking and our focus. For this reason, we pray faithfully for every SonSet Solutions Canada missionary, family, staff member and supporter.
Thank you for faithfully supporting SonSet Solutions projects and our missionaries. Some of them are facing very real challenges. While they need your financial support to meet their physical needs, more than you will ever know, they depend on the prayers of God’s people as they struggle against an enemy not visible to the human eye.
As we resolve to keep our eyes on Jesus in 2023, permit me to introduce our Christmas project: Solar Media Centre. In locations where electricity is spotty and computers aren’t practical, people are accessing content on their mobile phones. How can Christian content be made available to these people? We have created a small, Wi-Fi-based Solar Media Centre to make Christian programming available for download. Often equipped with other modules such as a phone charging station, it is powered by the sun via its solar panel. We are pleased to announce our Canadian missionary, Earl Hartwig, has been assigned as project manager for the Solar Media Centre. He will be working with the team at SonSet Solutions U.S. All Christmas donation cheques should be made out to SonSet Solutions Canada.
We thank you for supporting the ministry of SonSet Solutions Canada and pray fervently that, as you continue to grow in God’s grace, the year 2023 will present countless opportunities for you to share and demonstrate His grace to those around you. Merry Christmas to you and to your families.
Serving Together,