Resurrected from Despair


Jenifer sobbed bitterly in the solitude of her room, the laughs and cruel names still ringing in her ears — voices calling her disabled, considering her less than human merely because of her height. She began to believe that God created her merely for people to laugh at and ridicule. In despair, she even contemplated taking her own life.

Jenifer Posseh Mansaray is from Kabala, Sierra Leone, and has dwarfism. Because of her unusual height, rejection was her reality. But in her desperation, God reached out to her through Shalom Radio, a Christian radio station in her hometown.

Amidst her tears, the radio offered hope. Over the airwaves, a pastor explained the Good News and the acceptance Jesus offers to those who come to him. She decided she wanted to volunteer with Shalom Radio. When she went to the station, to her surprise, the staff embraced her with open arms, affirming that she was made in the image of God. They shared with her the same invitation she had heard from the pastor — to give her life to Christ — and she did.

Jenifer now hosts her own programs on the radio, which include talk/call-in programs for women facing gender-based violence, kids dealing with sexual harassment and other issues, and even people with disabilities facing discrimination. These programs, like the rest of Shalom Radio’s programming, are designed to encourage those who are hurting while also promoting change.

SonSet Solutions recently designed and oversaw the installation of a solar system at their station. With previously limited broadcast hours due to an expensive generator, they will now be able to broadcast 24/7. As a result, programs like Jenifer’s will have the opportunity to guide more people from despair to new life in Christ!

By Bryan Jackson, November 2024

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